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The First Step - New life!

In the waters of baptism we are initiated in the Church as children of God and commissioned to live as Christ's followers. Anointed by the Spirit, we are cleansed from sin and begin new life in Christ. Please contact the Parish if you wish to be baptised. 


Baptism usually by appointment and availability of the priest.

Parents who seek Baptism for their infant children will meet with the priest for instruction weeks before the day of baptism; this may be done even before the birth of the child. Baptism of infants should not be delayed, but should be celebrated within the first few weeks of the child’s life. It is most important that the soul be filled with God’s grace from the child’s earliest days. (see Canon Law no. 867)


Regarding sponsors (godparents) for Baptism:

  • only one is required, either male or female

  • if there are two sponsors, they must be a male and a female

  • they must be 16 years of age or older

  • ideally, both sponsors should be practicing Catholics who live a life of faith consistent with the responsibility of a godparent, however, a practicing member of another Christian denomination may be admitted as a Christian witness

(for more information on sponsors, see Canon Law no. 872-874)

For more clarification and question, please email the parish office: or email Fr. Ruben the assistant priest: 

  1.  download (click on blue docx) and complete the above form. Bring the completed form       along with you to your meeting with the priest.

  2. Visit the Registration Page on this Parish Website and fill out the online form.

For adults who wish to be baptised, a longer period of time is given for coming to understand our Catholic faith in more depth and for discernment on this decision. Adults generally receive the sacrament of Baptism with the other sacraments of initiation, Confirmation and Eucharist, in what we call the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Further information, please email the parish office: or email Fr. Ruben the assistant priest:

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